Tough Mudder Oct. 26th Prep Blog 1/5

Day 1 of Tough Mudder prep begins tomorrow. Got a schedule laid out, got all my materials ready, and have my Rise Above Fitness attire ready to go.

Objective: Tough Mudder is going to be a 10-12 mile run through hilly terrain with occasional obstacles here and there. I ran to test my endurance today, 9-28-2014. I was able to run 5.6 miles without feeling tired. That’s a good start. My goal is to get up to 12 continuous miles in 3.5 weeks, basically.

How to succeed: Typically you would need about 3 months to safely prepare to increase your running duration from 5.6 miles to the 12 mile range. This 3 month timeframe gives you a lot of room to avoid injury and prevent your vagina from being too sore. However, I’m under a time constraint, and I only have 1 month to do it in. Since cellular change doesn’t happen that quickly in the body, I’m going to place my focus on training my mind to keep my muscles relaxed during the run and keep my heartbeat low. Both these measures are vital if you want to prevent your body from being a bitch and getting in the way of being a man. These variables are going to be key to my success. I will use every training session to practice this method. Also, since I have been an athlete my entire life, and since I have run a full marathon, a half marathon, and climbed a few rough mountains before, all this might help me adapt faster to the required standards and unchain the beast at a faster rate.

In terms of muscle development, I’m pretty spot on, so my focus will mainly be on enhancing my cardiovascular engine as much as possible. Bottom line--I need to be able to run 12 miles without getting totally destroyed.

The Program: I mainly based this program on stuff I’ve picked up from “US Army Ranger Handbook”, “RAW PT 4.0”, "Seal Fit", my own preexisting knowledge, and information from other knowledgeable people.

Here is week 1 of 3 of my routine (keep in mind that I also want to maintain the aesthetics and muscularity of my body. Thus, I threw in s split routine in combination with a cardio routine. I know this isn’t going to maximize my results--it's just personal preference.)

Monday: (Morning: cardio/off) Evening: weight training/chest: 3 exercises with a rep/set setup of 3,2,1,3 for each exercise with a rest interval of 2-3min)

Tuesday: (Morning: cardio/3-4 miles as fast as possible) (evening: weight training/legs/calves: 3-4 exercises with a rep/set setup of 3,2,1,3 for each exercise with a rest interval of 2-3min)

Wednesday: (Morning: cardio/off) Evening: weight training/back/calves: 3 exercises with a rep/set setup of 3,2,1,3 for each exercise with a rest interval of 2-3min)

Thursday: (Morning: cardio/ long steady distance run of 6 miles) Evening: off)

Friday: (Morning: cardio/off) Evening: weight training/chest/arms: 4-5 exercises with a rep/set setup of 3,2,1,3 for each exercise with a rest interval of 2-3min)

Saturday: (Morning: cardio/off) Evening: weight training/shoulders/calves: 4-5 exercises with a rep/set setup of 3,2,1,3 for each exercise with a rest interval of 2-3min)

Sunday: (Morning: cardio/run in the hills (4 miles) with body weight exercises at middle and end) Evening: active recovery/ massage and stretch nude in the steam room for 30 minutes)

Other notes:

A. My nutrition will be spot on. No fast food, soda, etc.

B. I stretch and foam roll my legs after every leg routine and cardio based session.

C. My sleep is going to be amazing.

Just remember that my main goal is to up my cardio. I implemented the split routine just to try to maintain muscle while doing all that cardio and because I like to lift weights. The reps are low because I just happen to be on a strength cycle for the next 3 weeks. That’s just the way it happened. Take whatever you need from this program, and apply it to however you see fit.

Week 2 will be posted in Tough Mudder Prep Blog 2/4 next Sunday.

Remember to keep it real, keep it heavy, keep it real heavy.


Mr. Beef